Today was the "Start Inside The Ballpark" Evansville Otters baseball 5 K run. The starting line was on the warning track in the outfield of Bosse Field, otherwise known as the field they used while filming the Tom Hanks classic "A League Of Their Own". This was fantastic race, with most of the coarse sticking to walk/bike paths. There were a few hills, but nothing I coundn't handle, and there were at least 3 water stations along the route. It wound through a beautiful park with a few ponds, they through a neighborhood, and back to the park. I felt pretty good through most of the race, but hit the wall at about 2.5 miles, but I kept trucking, making it to the finish line. All in all, this was a very nice race, and all participants got a free ticket to the nights game, but I coundn't stay, so I gave it to someone who could use it. After the race I shot over to Moe's Southwestern Grill for a Homewrecker burrito and large Diet Coke which I consumed at 70 MPH on the highway back home. I will definitely check this race out next year, and probably bring along the wife and kid as well.
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