Anyone who wants to try and win a prize and register to win a Disney vacation head on over to You can play once a day, I've been playing for about a month, and have won nothing, but you never know, tomorrow could be my day!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Running Playlists and the Bands That Fill Them.

Hello faithful readers, I am back with a short but sweet post today, I'll get back to the story of My Running Life So Far in the very near future. Today I just wanted to discuss running playlists a little bit. I don't know about you, but I can't run unless I have some adrenaline pumping music to listen to on the old Ipod. I've tried podcasts and audiobooks, but they just don't have the same energetic effect as music. A lot of runners like to listen to the stereotypical stuff that is inspirational and uplifing, but I prefer good old Hard Rock, with a little Heavy Metal for good measure. A few of my favorite bands are KISS, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, AC/DC, Velvet Revolver, STP, Smashing Pumpkins, Twisted Sister, Van Halen, and of course Black Sabbath (and solo Ozzy as well). These bands keep the blood flowing as I make my way mile after mile, and for really long runs the right song at the right time can really pick me up just as good as a GU gel pack. I'm interested to know what you jam on while running, so leave me a comment with some recommendations. Oh yeah, and my guilty pleasure song - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Running Blues
I want to start out my running posts with a short history of my running. I started January of 2008, at the recommendation of my friend Ben, who lost a bunch of weight running when he hit 30 because he realized he was fat and out of shape. At the time I was 29, but also realized I was fat and out of shape. So I started going over to the Vincennes University fitness center to use the treadmill a few times a week. At first I started out walking, then running a short distance, then walking again for 30 minutes. After time I was able to do less walking and more running, until it was all running for 30 minutes. By this time I was chugging out 2 to 3 miles at a time, and slowly started to whittle my time down. Around this time I knew I was hooked, and started planning for a 5 K run in the spring. I also upgraded my running apparel quite a bit, getting some compression shorts, technical shirts, and the crown jewel, a Garmin Forerunner 205 watch, so I could run outside and be able to keep my time, pace, and distance. When I started running outside, the game completely changed, as I started incorperating high powered playlists on my Ipod to motivate me to run faster and harder and it was nice to run wherever I wanted, and not have to worry about falling off the treadmill. As the 5 K approached, I was running 3.1 miles each time I headed out, and was realizing that finishing the 5 K was not a dream, but a reality. On the morning of the 5 K, I arrived at the park where the start/finish line was about an hour early, not knowing what to expect. I was the first one there. So, like any man who has no clue, I got in my car and drove around for a while. After circling the park listening to Rush for what seemed like 3 hours, I started seeing runners of all shapes and sizes trickle into the park, so I found a spot, parked the car, and started suiting up (picture Barney from How I Met Your Mother). I went to get my goodie bag and bib, and being the newbie that I was, put the bib on wrong. After spying the bib attachment techniques of other more seasoned runners, I corrected mine. Of course i had carefully selected a playlist for my Ipod the night before, and tuned it to the first song and hit the pause button, so I could pump up the jams the second the starting horn blew. I decided to line up midway back at the starting line, behind the super-thin pros in spandex, but in front of the walkers wearing blue jeans. After the race organizer spoke about our sponsors, the horn sounded, and we were off! Man, I hit the ground running on a huge adrenalin rush, which promply wore off after about a quarter of a mile. About one mile in, I started to wonder why I ever thought this running thing was a good idea, and began to get winded, but I kept on trucking. At 1.5 miles, there was a water station, and in my infinite wisdom I thought I could get a cup of water and drink it without slowing down. Of course most of the water ended up down the front of my shirt. At two miles I figured hey, I think I may finish this thing! Then at 3, I was really struggling, but the finish line was in sight, so I kicked it into overdrive. But overdrive was not enough, because people were passing me one both sides, but I stuck to it and crossed the finish line at 26:50, not a personal best, but better than a lot. After the race I hung around to watch the trophy presentation, and it was really fun seeing the running community celebrate everyones accomplishments. After this race, I found a few more 5 K's, but started to think about higher miles, maybe even a half marathon, which Ben was starting to suggest. Tune in next time for tales of higher milage, lots more sweat, GU gels, and a knee injury or two.
Hey everybody, just wanted to post a quick blog to thank Gordon from and the Running to Disney Podcast (available on Itunes) for plugging my blog on his podcast this week, hopefully that will help bring a few more readers around. As for the blog itself, I know it is kind of hit and miss, and has a far range topic wise, so I think I will try to reign it in to covering my running, my Walt Disney World interests, and family stuff. I will also try to post new blogs more often, maybe once or twice a week. I'll update everyone on my running (well, lack there of) on the next blog. Oh yeah, I'm giving up writing a Fringe blog until after the season is over. Out.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Micheal Phelps
Micheal Phelps should get a free pass. The dude won more Olympic Gold Metals than anyone ever. So what if he hit the hippy lettuce at a party? The guy deserves to kick back and smokc a bowl if he wants to. Now, I am not in any way endorsing the use of marajauana, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. I have never personally in my 30 years of life put my lips to the mouth of a bong, so I have no idea what the cheeba does to you, but I think it's not as bad as Big Brother (Big Government) makes it out to be. Phelps is a relatively young man, and as I have experienced in my life, young men make lots of mistakes. Lots. This is one of those mistakes. Sure, it will cost him a few million in endorsement deals, but the cops should leave him be. I think we would all be in a better place if the government worried more about giving us back our hard earned tax dollars than going after a young man exploring all that is offered at frat parties. I promise that Fringe blog is coming...I'm just waiting for Fox Mulder to make a cameo on the show before I tell you it is a complete rip-off of the X-Files.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ready for Summer
Well folks, as I write this, it is 11 degrees outside and we are in our 8th day of snow and ice covered roads. To say the least, I am ready for summer, or spring at least. The ground has been covering in ice for far too long now, and I am tired of slipping and sliding as I drive. Not that I don't like a little snow, but I think I have reached my limit. I highly look forward to the days of MLB Spring Training, cutting the lawn, and running outside without having to wear 3 layers of clothing. Don't worry, as I promised last time, my Fringe blog is coming.
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